Tuesday 6 March 2012

Super Mario Bros 3 World 1 Map

Feeling like a complete hero after cross stitching a grand total of two projects, I was compelled to start something big. Of course, a 37000+ stitch project is the natural progression.

My proudest moment was completing this map. It was my figurative baby, taking around 9 months to complete. The pattern was found here - there are patterns for all eight worlds! I've been toying with the idea of starting another one, but have a couple of WIP's I really need to finish - and the knowledge that the repetition is super frustrating at times. After something like 50 cactus, I was groaning every time it was time to do another.

I really need to give this the respect it deserves and finish it off more than just a wash, iron and mount, but custom framing is a bit too pricey for me at the moment. Anyone got ideas of what to do other than framing?


  1. I would turn it into a decorative pillow

  2. This is so cool...I'm about to start this very same project. Thanks SO much for sharing the pattern! <3

  3. What colours did you use on this? I'm about to start the same project and I'm having trouble matching the colours.

  4. What colours did you use on this? I'm about to start the same project and I'm having trouble matching the colours.
